CONTENTS OF THE ZIP FILE. JAR files : - server/sp.server.jar the server runtime. Needed in the classpath to run the server. - client/sp.client.jar the client runtime library. Needed in the classpath to run any system-provided facility that addresses the server. examples are : the script processor, and of course any of your own java programs that use the facilities provided herein. - DBrowser/sp.dbrowser.jar contains all the resources for running the standalone database browser. WAR files : - webclient/SIRA_PRISE.war the web app for database administration using a web app server. - demo/birdwatcher/birdwatcher.war the web app for the birdwatcher demo application. ZIP files : - demo/birdwatcher/scripts/ scripts to define the database for the birdwatcher demo application, and to populate that database. - demo/birdwatcher/src/ the sources of the birdwatcher demo application. - client/src/ the sources of the client runtime library. - webclient/src/ the sources of the database administration web client. - client/ the complete javadoc for the facilities of the client package, the facilities of the database administration web client package, and the main operations of the server package. Also available on the website. - all the scripts of the "official test set" for the server. BAT files : Various commands for the DOS command prompt : - server/sp.sysgen_SwingUI.bat required step in the installation process, to "generate" the installation, as it were (a.o. the DBMS catalog is created and formatted in this step). - server/sp.startsrv.bat starts the server. - server/sp.stopsrv.bat stops the server. - server/sp.upgrade.bat upgrades an existing server installation to a new version of the server runtime. - server/sp.recover.bat step in recovering the server installation after it experienced a cold shutdown. - client/sp.runscript.bat runs a SIRA_PRISE script on the client side of things. - client/sp.runtestset.bat runs the test set. SH files : An equivalent SH file is included for each of the .BAT files. - simplistic init.d script. To be customized to your own needs so the siraprise server can be started as a system service.