Package | Description |
be.SIRAPRISE.client |
This package contains all the classes and interfaces that can be useful on the client side of an application involving SIRA_PRISE.
be.SIRAPRISE.client.jsba |
This package contains all the classes and interfaces for the
Architecture, as well as classes that can be used to manipulate catalog objects using the JSBA.
be.SIRAPRISE.messages |
This package contains the classes that define/implement the various message types that can be sent to and received from a SIRA_PRISE server.
be.SIRAPRISE.server |
This package contains the SIRA_PRISE server implementation.
be.SIRAPRISE.typeimplementations |
This package contains the SIRA_PRISE type and operator implementations.
be.SIRAPRISE.util |
This package contains various utility methods.
Class and Description |
DDLCapture |
MyProperties |
MyReadOnlyCollection is completely identical to java's unmodifiableCollection, except that the class is publicly visible and that the read-only property is thus declared to its users.
MyReadOnlyMaps are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableMap(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlyMap from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the map's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
NotFoundExceptions are thrown in SIRA_PRISE to signal to the caller that some search request did not produce a result (or, put otherwise, that the result set produced is actually empty).
Signers are used by clients in two circumstances :
The client needs to establish a connection to a server and wants to authenticate itself
The client needs to start a transaction for a non-anonymous user and wants/needs to authenticate the user identity by computing a signature
SnapShotIsolationMode |
A generic "transformer" class for transforming instances of class S1 to instances of class S2
ValidationExceptions indicate something is wrong in the provided arguments to the invocation
Class to denote SIRA_PRISE versions and/or message type versions.
Class and Description |
MyProperties |
MyReadOnlyMaps are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableMap(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlyMap from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the map's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
NotFoundExceptions are thrown in SIRA_PRISE to signal to the caller that some search request did not produce a result (or, put otherwise, that the result set produced is actually empty).
Signers are used by clients in two circumstances :
The client needs to establish a connection to a server and wants to authenticate itself
The client needs to start a transaction for a non-anonymous user and wants/needs to authenticate the user identity by computing a signature
A generic "transformer" class for transforming instances of class S1 to instances of class S2
Class and Description |
DDLCapture |
NotFoundExceptions are thrown in SIRA_PRISE to signal to the caller that some search request did not produce a result (or, put otherwise, that the result set produced is actually empty).
ProprietaryOrJCECipher |
Signers are used by clients in two circumstances :
The client needs to establish a connection to a server and wants to authenticate itself
The client needs to start a transaction for a non-anonymous user and wants/needs to authenticate the user identity by computing a signature
SnapShotIsolationMode |
Class to denote SIRA_PRISE versions and/or message type versions.
Class and Description |
Utility class providing a method for turning a String array (e.g.
MyProperties |
Class and Description |
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal duplicate names.
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the detection of an invalid escape sequence.
An exception type used by the BracketParser to signal a string argument ending with the escape token (backslash), with the subsequent escaped character missing
MyProperties |
MyReadOnlyCollection is completely identical to java's unmodifiableCollection, except that the class is publicly visible and that the read-only property is thus declared to its users.
MyReadOnlyMaps are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableMap(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlyMap from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the map's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
MyReadOnlyMaps are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableMap(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlyMap from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the map's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
MyReadOnlySets are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableSet(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlySet from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the set's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the absence of a closing bracket corresponding to an opening bracket that was (found to be) present.
NotFoundExceptions are thrown in SIRA_PRISE to signal to the caller that some search request did not produce a result (or, put otherwise, that the result set produced is actually empty).
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the absence of any opening bracket in a string argument to be parsed.
ReadOnlyMap |
A generic "transformer" class for transforming instances of class S1 to instances of class S2
ValidationExceptions indicate something is wrong in the provided arguments to the invocation
Class and Description |
DDLCapture |
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal duplicate names.
EqualKeyUnequalValuesException |
Class holding a utility method to replace the <>'"& tokens with XML entity refs in XML output
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the detection of an invalid escape sequence.
The DateFormat for the ISO date format (which is the default)
The DateFormat object for the ISO time format (which is the default format for time values)
The DateFormat object for the ISO timestamp format (which is the default)
An exception type used by the BracketParser to signal a string argument ending with the escape token (backslash), with the subsequent escaped character missing
Utility class providing a method for turning a String array (e.g.
MyException.LineBreakStyle |
MyListSet is a Set implementation that is backed by a sequential list.
MyProperties |
MyReadOnlyCollection is completely identical to java's unmodifiableCollection, except that the class is publicly visible and that the read-only property is thus declared to its users.
MyReadOnlyEntry is a wrapper class around Entry objects.
MyReadOnlyIterator is identical to Java's unmodifiable collections iterator, except for the fact that it is publicly visible, and that the read-only property is therefore declared to the user.
MyReadOnlyList is identical to java's unmodifiable collections, but for the fact that the 'Unmodifiable' property is declared to its users.
MyReadOnlySets are identical to java's Collections.unmodifiableSet(), but for the fact that the read-only property is declared to the user, and users getting back a MyReadOnlySet from some method, know they shouldn't even attempt to modify the set's contents, instead of having to wait for the UnsupportedOperationException to appear at run-time.
NameValueResults are used by the BracketParser as a container for holding parse results.
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the absence of a closing bracket corresponding to an opening bracket that was (found to be) present.
NotFoundExceptions are thrown in SIRA_PRISE to signal to the caller that some search request did not produce a result (or, put otherwise, that the result set produced is actually empty).
An exception used by the BracketParser to signal the absence of any opening bracket in a string argument to be parsed.
A generic "transformer" class for transforming ordinal appearances of instances of class S1 to instances of class S2
ProprietaryOrJCECipher |
ProprietaryOrJCECipherCallbackObject |
ReadOnlyMap |
Signers are used by clients in two circumstances :
The client needs to establish a connection to a server and wants to authenticate itself
The client needs to start a transaction for a non-anonymous user and wants/needs to authenticate the user identity by computing a signature
SnapShotIsolationMode |
A generic "transformer" class for transforming instances of class S1 to instances of class S2
Class to denote SIRA_PRISE versions and/or message type versions.